Friday, June 26, 2015

SU-E-J-09: Image Quality Comparison and Dose Quantification for 2.5 MV

To compare the image quality of the 2.5MV imaging beam (2.5X-IMB) to that of a 6MV beam and to quantify the imaging dose of a 2.5X-IMB for constancy as specified by AAPM TG-142

The image quality of the 2.5X-IMB was compared to the 6MV imaging beam using the SNC ImagePro MV-QA phantom and the Varian supplied Las Vegas phantom (LVP). High resolution (1280×1280×16, 2 frames at 1.5MU/frame) and low resolution (640×640×16, 2 frames at 0.75MU/frame) images were compared for each phantom. MV-QA phantom images were evaluated quantitatively, and the LVP images were evaluated qualitatively. The imaging dose for 2.5X-IMB was quantified using the procedure outlined in TG51. PTWCC13-31013 chambers were used to measure a percent depth dose (PDD) curve for the 2.5X-IMB. All the factors described in TG51 were calculated using the 2.5X-IMB and a PTW30013 farmer chamber.

A comparison between 2.5X-IMB and 6MV image quality was performed both visually and with DoseLab software. The optimal window and level were set for each image of the LVP by the user. Visual inspection showed greater contrast resolution with the 2.5MV beam, but no significant difference with the change in imaging resolution. DoseLab reported similar spatial resolutions between the two energies, but the contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) was greater for 2.5MV. The PDDx(10cm) for a 10x10cm2 field was measured to be 51.5%. Although this PDD value is off the scale of Figure 4 in TG51, the trend of the curve corresponding to the PTW31003 (equivalent) chamber led to an approximate kQ value of 1.00.

When compared to 6MV imaging, 2.5X-IMB results in a better CNR. At low resolution, the DoseLab results for the two energies are comparable, but visual analysis favors the 2.5X-IMB images. Imaging dose was quantified for the 2.5X-IMB after following the TG51 methodology with appropriate approximations.

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This article by M Stowe, D DiCostanzo, A Ayan, J Woollard and N Gupta originally appeared on on June 26, 2015 at 06:58PM

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