Tuesday, March 17, 2015

OCEANIA/AUSTRALIA - Appeal for the victims of Cyclone Pam: 54 000 children affected

Sydney - Appeals have been launched to help the thousands of people affected by a devastating cyclone that has battered Vanuatu and other parts of the Pacific.

Martin Teulan, National Director of Catholic Mission Australia, has urged all residents to join in prayer for their neighbors. "We are in contact with Bishop John Bosco in Vanuatu to see how we can intervene for the pastoral care of those affected", said the statement sent to Agenzia Fides. "It is still too early to make an assessment of the damage, even for a nation that is no stranger to natural disasters. Much of the archipelago has been leveled and many of its inhabitants have been left without their families, their homes and their livelihoods".

In the past, Catholic Mission had already supported a number of projects for the children of the nation, and now there is great concern for the 54 000 children who have been affected by this tragedy. "At a time like this, we must think of the young victims of this tragedy", said Teulan. At the same time the National Director is confident in the great strength of the recovery and the faith of the people of Vanuatu, and concludes: "Many Catholic missionaries in Vanuatu are committed to helping and working with the victims of this disaster".

Read Full Story from Fides News English http://www.fides.org/en/news/37465-OCEANIA_AUSTRALIA_Appeal_for_the_victims_of_Cyclone_Pam_54_000_children_affected

This article by originally appeared on fides.org on March 17, 2015 at 02:00AM

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