Tuesday, March 17, 2015

AFRICA/MALAWI - The Church assists 230,000 flood victims

Lilongwe - Clothes, food, money and other aid, for a total of 1 billion kwachas , were distributed by the Bishops of Malawi to more than 230,000 displaced flood victims .

The aid was collected through the national collection on 8 February in all the parishes of Malawi. Malawi is one of the poorest countries in the world.

According to the UN the two weeks of heavy rains in January caused 275 deaths and forced the displacement of more than 230,000 people in 15 of the 28 districts of the Country. Over 64,000 hectares of farmland were devastated in a Country where agriculture accounts for 30% of Gross Domestic Product.

Read Full Story from Fides News English http://www.fides.org/en/news/37468-AFRICA_MALAWI_The_Church_assists_230_000_flood_victims

This article by originally appeared on fides.org on March 17, 2015 at 02:00AM

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