Tuesday, March 17, 2015

AFRICA/NAMIBIA - Justice and Peace: "Our initiatives for conflict resolution and environmental protection"

Windhoek - A structure or a continental reconciliation committee in the event of conflicts, a committee that is able to go wherever there is need for mediation. This is one of the decisions taken at the end of the Congress of the Episcopal Commissions "Justice and Peace" in Africa, which was held in the capital of Namibia, Windhoek, from March 12 to 15 , organized by SECAM .

Following the example of the Pan-Amazonia Church Network , Africa Justice and Peace Commissions are committed to create an African Church Network regrouping in particular the neighboring countries of the Equatorial Forest for "transparent and responsible management for this common legacy which is meant for the entire humanity", says the Message published at the end by the Congress and sent to Agenzia Fides.

"In our Continent which is more and more confronted to issues of violence and religious extremism, we analyzed the contribution of the inter-religious dialogue toward the consolidation of peace and the bringing together of peoples and cultures. We are convinced that the inter-religious dialogue coupled with good governance practices by our African leaders constitute a genuine engine for the integral development of our Countries", says another part of the Message.

Through this framework known as Catholic Parliamentarians’ Liaison Offices, "the SECAM Justice and Peace Commission intend to contribute to the debate on public policies, to facilitate and promote peaceful transitions, democracy and good governance". "African leaders are invited to avoid any manipulation of the fundamental law in order to perpetuate their political mandate"; a clear reference to the tensions present in some African Countries whose Heads of State push for a third term by amending the constitutional provision that normally provides only two.

The members of the Justice and Peace also address the plight of migrants, originated from the poor living conditions of entire areas of Africa, that push young people and families to move away in search of a better life. This is the reason why we appeal to political leaders so they improve the living conditions of the people through the equitable management of African resources.

Recalling the tragedy of Ebola, Justice and Peace emphasizes everyone’s right, especially the poorest, to health care. It also poses the problem of climate change with its dramatic impact on populations and the ever growing food insecurity.

Read Full Story from Fides News English http://www.fides.org/en/news/37467-AFRICA_NAMIBIA_Justice_and_Peace_Our_initiatives_for_conflict_resolution_and_environmental_protection

This article by originally appeared on fides.org on March 17, 2015 at 02:00AM

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