Sunday, October 2, 2016

Mary Jo Murphy, The Monster Sorority of Women Voters   Sometimes...

Mary Jo Murphy, The Monster Sorority of Women Voters   

Sometimes the gender gap has been yuge and sometimes more modestly endowed, but for months now men have remained pretty much for Donald J. Trump and women for Hillary Clinton. Last week’s debate, when Mrs. Clinton got a chance to bring up her opponent’s habit of calling women pigs, slobs and dogs, did nothing to narrow that divide.

But the danger of focusing, as we so often do, on the differences between men and women is that it assumes women themselves are all on the same page.

In fact, we are less a monolith and more a monster sorority, patched together from disparate viewpoints and dissimilar experiences. A New York Times/CBS News poll last month found instances of a sisterhood gap that in some ways is more revealing than the gender gap.

In addition to gauging views on the election, the poll asked women how they viewed their lives, their roles in society and society’s views about them. Along with the expected differences between Republicans and Democrats, the biggest differences were between black and white women and between younger and older women.

from Stowe Boyd

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