Friday, September 30, 2016

Roundtable Discussion on The Tunisian Experience: Development & Decentralization


This post is from Bank Information Center - Amplifying Local Voices to Democratize Development.


In the aftermath of the revolution and the new constitution in Tunisia, the Government has made strong commitments to make their vision of a participatory decentralized democratic state a reality. Development agencies such as the World Bank have stepped up to support this transition by financing the Urban Development and Local Governance Program, a $300 million program that aims to redistribute decision-making from the central government to local governments. Tunisian civil society, academic experts, and Bank representatives will discuss the Bank’s role in supporting decentralization efforts.This panel will also explore how to address challenges and propose solutions to ensure more meaningful engagement in Tunisia’s transition.

10:00 am – 12:00 pm Friday, October 7, 2016
Open Society Foundations-1730 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 700
Click here for RSVP (deadline October 6th at 3PM)

Moderator: Stephen McInerney- Executive Director at Project on Middle East Democracy

Sabine Beddies – Senior Urban Development Specialist at the World Bank & Task Team Leader for Urban Development and Local Governance Program in Tunisia
Hajer Trabelsi – President of GOAct-Tunisia
Karim Belhaj – President of Tunisian Association of Public Auditors
Fadil Aliriza – Tunisia Project Manager at Carnegie Endowment For International Peace

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This article by Julia Radomski originally appeared on on September 30, 2016 at 05:52PM

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