Friday, September 30, 2016

Panel Discussion on Citizen Engagement with the World Bank


This post is from Bank Information Center - Amplifying Local Voices to Democratize Development.

Please join BIC for a panel discussion on:

Citizen Engagement with the World Bank

Wednesday, October 5
9:00 -10:30am

The success of development finance is largely dependent on citizen engagement, as policy makers and practitioners increasingly recognize. The World Bank plays a key role in advancing this agenda.  The Bank has made a variety of commitments to advancing constructive engagement between citizens, the state, and the Bank itself, including:

  • Operational Policy on Stakeholder Engagement (ESS10): For the first time, the new safeguard policies, now known as the Environmental and Social Framework, include a standalone policy on Stakeholder Engagement and Information Disclosure;
  • IDA18 Governance and Institutions Special Theme: This year’s IDA18 replenishment includes “Governance and Institutions” as a Special Theme, which incorporates elements of citizen engagement;
  • Citizen Engagement Strategy: The Bank’s Citizen Engagement Strategy and accompanying “100% beneficiary feedback” indicator mandate and track citizen engagement in Bank projects;
  • 2017 World Development Report on Governance and the Law: The forthcoming WDR will focus on governance and include a chapter on citizen engagement; and
  • The Global Partnership for Social Accountability: The GPSA provides direct support to civil society to constructively engage with governments to improve public service delivery.

How do these pieces complement each other, and contribute to a broader vision for the future of citizen engagement at the Bank?  What strategies for citizen engagement does the Bank already employ, and where is there scope to do more? What is the evidence on the effectiveness of increasing citizen engagement on project design, implementation and outcome?  Panelists will explore the synergies among these pieces and the potential for the Bank to play a key role in advancing transparency, accountability, and participation through its leadership and investments.

Lindsay Coates
President, Interaction


Alexia Latortue
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary
US Treasury

Jonathan Fox
Professor, American University
School of International Service

Debbie Wetzel
Senior Director
Governance Global Practice
World Bank

Karim Belhaj Aissa
L’ Association Tunisienne des Controleurs Publics
(Tunisian Association of public controllers)

Maninder Gill
Senior Director
Social, Urban, Rural and Resilience Global Practice
World Bank

Planning on joining us? Spread the word! Suggested tweets:

Join us at the World Bank annual meetings for a discussion on advancing #citizenengagement in development finance:

The success of development is dependent on #citizenengagement: join us for a discussion with the World Bank

#Citizenengagement with the World Bank: what strategies does @WorldBank employ, and where is there scope for more?

The post Panel Discussion on Citizen Engagement with the World Bank appeared first on Bank Information Center.

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This article by Julia Radomski originally appeared on on September 30, 2016 at 10:14PM

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