Monday, September 12, 2016

"On one side, some express puzzlement over the spectacle of right-wingers — the kind of people who..."

On one side, some express puzzlement over the spectacle of right-wingers — the kind of people who used to yell “America, love it or leave it!” — praising a Russian regime. On the other side, a few people on the left are anti-anti-Putinists, denouncing criticism of Mr. Trump’s Putin-love as “red-baiting.” But today’s Russia isn’t Communist, or even leftist; it’s just an authoritarian state, with a cult of personality around its strongman, that showers benefits on an immensely wealthy oligarchy while brutally suppressing opposition and criticism.

And that, of course, is what many on the right admire.


Paul Krugman, Thugs and Kisses

Why the right – and Trump – like Putin so much: because he has the utmost contempt for democracy and civil liberties.

from Stowe Boyd

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