Sunday, June 19, 2016

T-Mobile's Binge On Now 'Zero Rates' 90 Different Services

"Controversy has followed T-Mobile's Binge On since launch, with many, including Stanford lawyer Barbara van Schewick, stating that the program violates net neutrality.

"A core principle of net neutrality is that ISPs should not pick winners and losers online by favoring some applications over others," stated van Schewick. "But that’s exactly what Binge On does. Customers have a greater incentive to watch videos that are included in Binge On than those that are excluded. As a result, providers in the program can be more successful than providers that T-Mobile leaves out.""

Date published: 
June 14, 2016
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Read Full Story from Architecture & Public Policy
This article by Center for Internet and Society originally appeared on on June 15, 2016 at 01:57AM

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