Monday, March 21, 2016

Nepal Earthquake 2015 Environmental Considerations for Food Security

Nepal Earthquake 2015 - Environmental Considerations for Food Security © WWF Nepal, Hariyo Ban ProgramIt is important to consider the environment in food security projects in order to reduce the vulnerability of earthquake affected people in both the short-term, and long-term recovery and rehabilitation period of the earthquake.
Nepali law requires compliance with environmental regulatory frameworks at the national and local levels as described below. At the international level, the Sphere Handbook, the Code of Conduct for The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and NGOs in Disaster Relief, and the Hyogo Framework for Action address the need to prevent over-exploitation, pollution, and degradation of environmental conditions and encourage sustainable use and management of ecosystems.
The guidance contained in this flyer is for aid workers, government o cials, and community members involved in food security interventions.

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