Saturday, March 19, 2016

Mitch Anthony and The Clarity Manifesto

Every once in awhile I come across something that just stops me in my tracks. Today, I saw that a guy named Mitch Anthony started following me on Twitter (in the guise of, where I haven’t tweeted since 2012).

His Twitter bio tantalized: 

Idea wrangler. Systems thinker using design & branding processes to help organizations thrive. Principal at strategy firm Clarity

I clicked through to his website and discovered this:

The Clarity Manifesto

  1. Mission and messaging are inextricable—two strands of the same thread. When you work on a company’s message, you are working on its mission.
  2. A clear message that is clearly understood by everyone in the company has the catalytic effect of aligning everyone’s intentions and energies toward the same goal. It’s simple cultural physics.
  3. Most companies separate strategy and storytelling functions. This is a huge waste. The branding and design process is a uniquely powerful strategic development tool.
  4. The best way to discover a company’s best opportunities is to listen—to each other, to stakeholders, to the marketplace, and to customers. Not coincidentally, listening is the beginning of good design.
  5. Every element of the design and delivery of a service or product is part of an integrated whole. It’s a system whose parts want to work together. Systems thinking is a tool for making sure they do.
  6. “The best way to predict the future is to design it.” —Architect, systems theorist, and futurist Buckminster Fuller
  7. Conventional change management is obsolete. What works is open, honest, and transparent communication between team players, collaborators, and customers.
  8. Systems thinking can create change very quickly, but it’s a practice, not an event. The system is alive; nothing stands still.
  9. People are social first. What motivates us best is an understanding of our collective goals, our role in achieving those goals, and how we’re doing.
  10. It’s not advertising that makes a product or service successful. It’s great design or great service. Take the iPad: marketing is just fuel for the fire.

This guy is now on my ‘people I’d really like to have to dinner’ list.

from Stowe Boyd

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