Thursday, December 3, 2015

Where I am Blogging Now

Things are settling into a new normal. I am blogging in various places, but the splittage makes sense:

  1. (on WordPress) — This has become my daybook, a torrent of notes, quotes, fragments, and dog-eared pages, and the content is mostly resources for more deliberate and planned writing elsewhere. Although I will also write longer pieces here about politics, the economy, ecology, art, and what not. (I moved from Tumblr when Yahoo shut down curated topics, which meant a really important community was killed.)
  2. (on WordPress) — My work blog, and my commentary on the markets, communities, and companies involved in work technologies and the future of work.
  3. (on Medium) — the Work Futures Institute is my one and only passion project, a loose collective of work futurists that I am stringing together, with the hope of being able to work jointly on projects as a ‘pop-up thinktank’ sort of (dis)organization.

I’ll keep you posted.

from Stowe Boyd

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