Sunday, December 6, 2015

The New York Times Adds 'Mx.' to the Honorific Mix

The New York Times Adds 'Mx.' to the Honorific Mix:


“This past weekend, the gender neutral honorific “Mx.” was used in a story in The New York Times. Perhaps fittingly for the relatively recent alternative to the gender identifying pronouns “Mr.” and “Ms.,” “Mx.” was used in a story about Bluestockings, the collectively owned and volunteer-run radical bookstore and café.

“Are we anarchist?” Senia Hardwick asked. “Technically, yes.” Mx. Hardwick, 27, who prefers not to be assigned a gender — and also insists on the gender-neutral Mx. in place of Ms. or Mr. — is a staff member at Bluestockings, a bookshop and activist center at 172 Allen Street on the Lower East Side.

Like the idea of non-binary gender identification itself, the pronoun has been gaining cultural acceptance. Last June, the Times noted the increasingly popular pronoun, which had been used in a Times story about Barnard’s decision to join the ranks of women’s colleges that accept transgender applicants.”

From now on, call me Mx. Stowe Boyd.

from Stowe Boyd

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