Thursday, December 24, 2015

pewresearch: About three-quarters of the public overall (73%)...


About three-quarters of the public overall (73%) favors raising the federal minimum wage from its current rate of $7.25 an hour. Just 24% oppose an increase.

Those who support raising the minimum wage were asked, in an open-ended format, to name what the wage should be instead.

Two-in-ten (20%) say the federal minimum wage should be higher than its current rate of $7.25, but less than $10.00 an hour. Nearly four-in-ten (40%) name a rate between $10.00 and $14.99 an hour.

Relatively few (11%) say the minimum wage should be raised to $15.00 an hour or more.

Most Favor Raising Minimum Wage

from Stowe Boyd

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