Sunday, December 6, 2015

DeZeen, Driverless cars could spell the end for domestic flights

DeZeen, Driverless cars could spell the end for domestic flights:

Self-driving cars could disrupt the airline and hotel industries within 20 years as people sleep in their vehicles on the road, according to a senior strategist at Audi. 

Short-haul travel will be transformed and the hassle of getting to and from airports eliminated, said Sven Schuwirth, vice president of brand strategy and digital business at the German car brand. 

Business travellers will be able to avoid taking domestic flights to meetings and will sleep and work in their cars en route instead of checking into city-centre hotels, he said. 

“In the future you will not need a business hotel or a domestic flight,” Schuwirth told Dezeen. "We can disrupt the entire business of domestic flights.“ 

He added: "I think that vision is probably 20 years from now.”

from Stowe Boyd

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