Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Assessment of global megatrends — extended background analysis

The purpose of this technical report is to complement the SOER 2015's Assessment of global megatrends by providing substantially more in-depth information and data on each megatrend. It covers aspects and topics that were given less attention — or no mention at all — in the SOER 2015 Assessment of global megatrends. It also provides background information on the research framework and processes that have underpinned EEA work on megatrends since 2009. The goal of this report is to stimulate thinking, spark discussion and thought, and encourage strategic decision-makers in Europe to consider emerging threats and opportunities, and ensure that policy is 'fit for the long term'. Essentially, it aims to trigger questions about what global developments should be accounted for in order to ensure that environmental policy is relevant, adequate and resilient.

Read Full Story from Publications http://www.eea.europa.eu/publications/global-megatrends-assessment-extended-background-analysis?utm_source=EEASubscriptions&utm_medium=RSSFeeds&utm_campaign=Generic
This article by EEA (European Environment Agency) originally appeared on eea.europa.eu on September 15, 2015 at 11:30AM

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