Wednesday, August 19, 2015

NZOSS 2015 AGM - 13-19 September

The 2015 NZOSS AGM will be a not be at a specific time, but rather asynchronous over the course of a week: Sun 13- Sat 19 Sept.

We are still taking nominations for candidates for council and Vice President and President - just nominate yourself or someone else (ideally with their permission). We provide instructions if you want to nominate someone or yourself.

To vote, people will need to

  1. have a working login on the NZOSS website, and, once logged in,
  2. be a paid up financial member - annual subs are $40 waged, $20 unwaged, paid via bank transfer.

If you've got an organisational membership, ask me about financial membership.

We'll announce the final list of candidates on 13 Sept, and you'll be able to review their statements on the website and make your selections.

We'll also link the our president's report and I'm aiming to provide a video president's address.

On Sat 19 September, we're planning to have informal gatherings in the various centres around the country for interested folks to want to find out the results and just catch up for a chat about the organisation's activities and direction!

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This article by dave originally appeared on on August 20, 2015 at 02:12AM

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