Tuesday, August 25, 2015

BIC-MENA bids farewell to Nadia Daar, Policy Manager and Yemen Program Coordinator

This post is from Bank Information Center - Amplifying Local Voices to Democratize Development.

After almost seven years with the Bank Information Center, we are sad to have recently said goodbye to Nadia Daar, MENA Policy Manager and Yemen Program Coordinator who has started a new position with Oxfam International. Nadia’s time at BIC saw her work in several MENA countries, acquiring strong expertise on IFI advocacy to allow her to work not just on MENA but also on BIC’s global policy work. Amy Ekdawi, Regional Program Manager at BIC and long-time friend, said “Although Nadia will be missed dearly at BIC, we will continue to build on her many achievements.”

Among Nadia’s many accomplishments were overseeing the growth of BIC’s programmatic work in Yemen to include equipping a large group of CSOs with the tools to engage in project monitoring of World Bank development activities across the country. Nadia also extended the Yemen program to include technical training for parliamentarians to enable them to fulfill their role in foreign aid oversight. In recent years, Nadia was seminal in monitoring the development of the World Bank’s new Country Engagement Model and advocating for greater civil society engagement in the process. Under her direction the campaign succeeded in ensuring that the Bank systematically consults stakeholders on the Systematic Country Diagnostic, a key entry point for CSOs to influence the Bank’s analysis of opportunities for, and constraints to, sustainable development.

Nadia will continue to work on IFI advocacy on behalf of civil society in her new role as IFI Policy Advisor for Oxfam International in its Washington, DC office.

The post BIC-MENA bids farewell to Nadia Daar, Policy Manager and Yemen Program Coordinator appeared first on Bank Information Center.

Read Full Story from Bank Information Center » News http://www.bankinformationcenter.org/bic-mena-bids-farewell-to-nadia-daar-policy-manager-and-yemen-program-coordinator/
This article by Jamal Hussain originally appeared on bicusa.org on August 25, 2015 at 09:42PM

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