Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Matusiewiczes guilty of cyberstalking resulting in death

Date published: 
July 10, 2015

"A lot is riding on this appeal because the cyberstalking statute is already rarely used, said Danielle Citron, a law professor at the University of Maryland. She added that a reversal on appeal could discourage law enforcement from filing similar charges in the future.

“When you stretch the law, there is always the potential for a backlash,” she said." Read more » about Matusiewiczes guilty of cyberstalking resulting in death

Read Full Story from Of Interest http://cyberlaw.stanford.edu/press/matusiewiczes-guilty-cyberstalking-resulting-death
This article by Center for Internet and Society originally appeared on cyberlaw.stanford.edu on July 10, 2015 at 10:00AM

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