Tuesday, June 30, 2015

"I wish I'd thought of it."

"I wish I'd thought of it.":


Leigh Gallagher on the time when Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky met with Warren Buffett:

One of Chesky’s biggest source triumphs was his audience with Buffett. A little over a year ago, Chesky reached out and asked if he could travel to Omaha to have lunch, in part to talk about how Airbnb might help expand the number of rooms available in town during Berkshire’s annual meeting weekend. The discussion ended up lasting 4½ hours. Chesky’s biggest takeaway: the value of not getting caught up in the noise. “He’s literally in the center of Omaha,” Chesky says. “There’s no TVs anywhere. He spends all day reading. He takes maybe one meeting a day, and he thinks so deeply.” The experience made such an impact on Chesky that he went to the airport, and, afraid he would forget the conversation, immediately wrote a 3,600-word report and sent it to his team. For his part, Buffett says he sensed in Chesky a genuine passion for building his company: “I think he would be doing what he’s doing if he didn’t get paid a dime for it.” Buffett’s take on Airbnb? “I wish I’d thought of it.”

No TVs anywhere. Reading all day. One meeting a day. These are the things we aspire to.

I am watching Brian Chesney closely.

from Stowe Boyd http://stoweboyd.com/post/122842292112

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