Friday, June 19, 2015

EnterConf 2015: Joe Baguley discussing the future of enterprise IT

Today, EnterConf 2015 is making its debut in Belfast, and EMEA CTO Joe Baguley is there to talk about the future of enterprise technology.

His presentation will be starting today at 1:15 pm on the Centre Stage, and will take a closer look at the profound digital transformation businesses are undergoing, and how IT leaders have the opportunity to drive this digital transformation and bridge the gap between the client/server era and mobile-first worlds. Joe will talk about how it is applications that are the currency for a successful digital transformation.

At EnterConf 2015, companies innovating and developing the business technologies of today and the future come together with IT leaders from the world’s most noted companies. The sister event of the Web Summit, this two day conference is the perfect opportunity to get an overview of the trends that matter and dig deeper into areas relevant to your business.

Take a look at these posts on our blog to hear more from Joe Baguley and find out more about his take on the future of enterprise IT. Let us know if you got the chance to see Joe at EnterConf.

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