Wednesday, May 27, 2015

"What we need, then, is more uncommon futurism. A futurism that cares not a whit about what’s hot..."

“What we need, then, is more uncommon futurism. A futurism that cares not a whit about what’s hot right now, who remain stoically unimpressed by drones and wearable IT, and who instead take it as their job to shock and awe CEOs with visions as radical as those of the futurists of yore. We need futurism that is less interested in agreeing with contemporary futurists and their ongoing circle-jerk, and who takes pride in offending and disgusting those futurists who would like to protect the status quo.”

- Alf Rehn, On the Rarity of Uncommon Futurism

from Stowe Boyd

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