Wednesday, May 20, 2015

VMworld 2015 Healthcare Sessions: Voting is open.

For many of us, presenting in front of large groups does not come easy. Most of us, at least those of us who came up through the technical ranks, would be just as happy at a keyboard or whiteboard, designing, building, and bringing fun technology to life. Many of us have realized though that we […]]> For many of us, presenting in front of large groups does not come easy. Most of us, at least those of us who came up through the technical ranks, would be just as happy at a keyboard or whiteboard, designing, building, and bringing fun technology to life. Many of us have realized though that we have interesting stories to share, interesting experiences, and interesting ideas. For those of us who believe that VMware technologies are among the most fascinating and innovative, the opportunity to present at VMworld is an accomplishment, and a great honor.

VMworld session abstracts are submitted several months before the conference. The process is rather time consuming and challenging for first timers, but rewarding if selected. The abstracts are then reviewed by experts, voted on by the community, something which adds additional value to the sessions since you have a say in the process. If the session is selected, the presentation is written, reviewed, rehearsed, and finally presented. The process is the same for customers, employees, partners, everyone, the attendees decide what sounds interesting.

This year we are seeing a number of healthcare sessions, over 30 in the voting pool. These range from customer panels to individual submissions on all series of topics related specifically to healthcare. I point this out because these are in a large pool of sessions on many topics with many different focuses. We are seeing an great response from the community to our healthcare team, and the new products focused on managing healthcare environments. If you plan to be at VMworld, please check out the health care sessions, vote in any you find interesting so we can ensure we get more focus on what we do, and put more emphasis on what you want to hear about.

To vote go to You will need a VMworld account, filter by healthcare, and vote in as many healthcare sessions as you want. Make sure you come visit us at the sessions, and let us know what you want to hear about. This is your conference, and we want healthcare to be a much bigger part of VMworld, and we want to see you there.

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