Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Verizon's AOL Deal Could Lead to New Privacy Problems

Date published: 
May 12, 2015

""With this acquisition, Verizon appears to be tearing down the wall between telecommunications and personalized advertising," said Jonathan Mayer, a computer researcher at Stanford University. "The FCC might have something to say about that."

Mayer argued that telecom companies like Verizon are "in a privileged and trusted position" because they have such sweeping access to sensitive information flowing over their networks, and it's often difficult for consumers to switch to competitors. " Read more » about Verizon's AOL Deal Could Lead to New Privacy Problems

Read Full Story from Of Interest http://cyberlaw.stanford.edu/press/verizons-aol-deal-could-lead-new-privacy-problems
This article by Center for Internet and Society originally appeared on cyberlaw.stanford.edu on May 13, 2015 at 03:21AM

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