Thursday, May 21, 2015

How to setup mirrored folders between your Mac and Fusion VM

Did you know that you can setup mirrored folders for your Mac and Fusion virtual machine? Mirrored folders allow the Mac and the virtual machine to see the same content in certain personal data folders.For example,any content put on the Mac's desktop also appears on the Windows desktop. Similarly anycontent put in the My Documents […]]> Did you know that you can setup mirrored folders for your Mac and Fusion virtual machine?

Mirrored folders allow the Mac and the virtual machine to see the same content in certain personal data folders.For example,any content put on the Mac's desktop also appears on the Windows desktop. Similarly anycontent put in the My Documents folder in Windows also appears in the Mac user's Documents folder.

The mirrored content resides on the Mac so that it is accessible even when the virtual machine is off. Mirrored folders work by redirecting where Windows looks for certain user folders (Desktop, Documents, Music, Pictures, Movies, and Downloads) from their default Windows locations to the corresponding locations on the Mac. It does this by means of registry redirects (much like Group Policy can redirect user folders to a network location).Mirrored folders allows your Windows virtual machine to treat the Mac's Desktop, Documents, Music, Pictures, Movies, and Downloads folders as its own; it does not, however, let your Mac see the Windows default Desktop, My Documents, My Music, My Pictures, My Movies, or Downloads folders, and your Mac never has access to data saved on the Windows computer.

This video discusses and demonstrates how to setup mirrored folders for your Mac and Fusion virtual machine. For additional information, see VMware Knowledge Base article Setting up mirrored folders for your Mac and virtual machine (1014127).

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