Friday, April 3, 2015

This Is Why Hot Cross Buns Are Better Than Easter Eggs

Bow down to the bun.

Easter is a time you spend time with your family because of religion.

Easter is a time you spend time with your family because of religion.

It's like Christmas without the presents and '70s pop music.

Around this time of year it is traditional to exchange chocolate eggs. I'm sure you're all aware of this.

Around this time of year it is traditional to exchange chocolate eggs. I'm sure you're all aware of this.

This is because Jesus was reborn appaz, eggs symbolise birth, and chocolate is nice.

Fuse / Getty Images

The other traditional delicacy of Easter is the hot cross bun.

The other traditional delicacy of Easter is the hot cross bun.

It's got a cross on it because Jesus died on the cross, remember?

Monkeybusinessimages / Getty Images

Recently Easter eggs have really been stealing the limelight from the humble hot cross buns.

Recently Easter eggs have really been stealing the limelight from the humble hot cross buns.

Where are the hot cross bun hunts huh?

Mallivan / Getty Images

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