Thursday, March 19, 2015

You Can Now Anonymously Ship Your Enemies A Bag Of D*cks To Eat

“Send a message. Send d*cks.”

Look at this mesmerising, magnificent cascade of dicks.

Look at this mesmerising, magnificent cascade of dicks.

Isn't it beautiful?

It's from the promo video for Dicks By Mail.

It's from the promo video for Dicks By Mail.

According to the company's website, it offers a service whereby you can send some edible dicks to "anyone in your life that deserves [a] feeling of

sadness, disappointment and betrayal."

It goes on: "In only a few minutes you can send a literal Bag of Dicks to that special asshole in your life. You know the one. The annoying guy at the office. Your Ex who decided to see other people before telling you. The Teacher that doesn't care about your dead grandma. The person that murdered your grandma."

It'll cost you $15 (about £10) to tell someone to eat a bag of dicks, along with a note saying "EAT A BAG OF DICKS".

It'll cost you $15 (about £10) to tell someone to eat a bag of dicks, along with a note saying "EAT A BAG OF DICKS".

A statement on the site says it was "created to put a smile on peoples (sic) faces. It's not meant to be a threat or a way to bully," and adds: "If you are sending this with the intent to ruin someones (sic) day, then maybe its you who needs to eat a bag of dicks."

The first people have received theirs and posted pictures online. An entry on the company's blog reads: "Appparently one of the first order recipients posted on imgur and a bunch of you idiots ordered bags of dicks for your moms."

The project obviously bears comparison with the Ship Your Enemies Glitter website, which was set up by 22-year-old Australian Mathew Carpenter. He swiftly sold the site and claimed it was a giant publicity stunt – an interpretation that was subsequently called into question.

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