Friday, March 20, 2015

EUROPE/SPAIN - Every minute a child dies due to lack of drinking water

Madrid - On the occasion of the next World Water Day, scheduled for March 22, the NGO Plan International recalled that every year about half a million children die due to the lack of access to drinking in addition to 750 million adults in the world. This emergency favors the spread of diseases such as diarrhea or typhoid fever. The lack of clean water aggravates poverty in developing Countries and causes malnutrition and death. According to authorities of Plan Internacional Spain, access to drinking water in a community greatly improves aspects such as education and gender equality. Water programs sponsored by the NGO have the aim to fight diseases such as malaria or cholera in different Countries in the world, in order to avoid that a child dies every minute.

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This article by originally appeared on on March 20, 2015 at 02:00AM

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