Friday, March 20, 2015

AMERICA/UNITED STATES - Bishops of the diocese on the border: enough with violence and more attention towards the youth

Brownsville - Some Bishops of the United States and Mexico consecrated the border between the two countries to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The ceremony was held on Tuesday, March 17, at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of Brownsville .

The Catholic Bishops of both sides of the border met after a long period of time, to celebrate a Mass during which they prayed so that violence that has hit the border town in recent years comes to an end, and asked aloud that immigration reforms, for millions of immigrants who have arrived in this country are implemented.

The note sent to Fides informs that the Mass was celebrated in English and Spanish, and that His Exc. Mgr. Daniel E. Flores, Bishop of Brownsville stressed that the intention of the Bishops present was to share the different situations that the dioceses on the border live and to look for solutions.

"It is a reality that we are facing with families, said Mgr. Flores. There is concern for the families, because young people risk the danger of losing hope. There are many forces and world powers that seek to attract them to other activities such as drugs, alcohol and violence". His Exc. Mgr. Ruy Rendón Leal, Bishop of Matamoros , reported that during the two-day meeting the Bishops tried to find solutions regarding the issue of immigration, with the aim to respect the dignity of migrants.

Read Full Story from Fides News English

This article by originally appeared on on March 20, 2015 at 02:00AM

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