Tuesday, March 17, 2015

AMERICA - Human rights and extractive industries in Latin America: the position of the Church

Washington - The representatives of the Catholic Church in Latin America will be heard in open court by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights , in Washington, on Thursday, March 19. Here they will express their position on "Human rights and the extractive industries in Latin America".

According to information sent to Agenzia Fides, the representatives of the Latin American Episcopal Council , the Latin American Secretariat of Caritas , the Latin American Confederation of Religious , the Amazon Commission of the National Conference of Brazilian Bishops and the Pan-Amazon ecclesial Network will be present. They will have the opportunity to present the position of the Catholic Church before the violation of human rights of indigenous peoples and farmers due to extractive industries in Latin America. They will highlight emblematic cases which have occurred in Brazil, Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico and Peru, and will formulate recommendations to the Member States and civil society of the continent.

The delegation will present a report on the cases in which the Catholic Church had an important role to stop human rights violations committed by the mining companies, also highlighting the indifference of many States in the region.

The report also emphasizes the criminalization of human rights defenders, and the serious consequences that it will have on health, integrity and life, in particular regarding indigenous and peasant communities.

The Church has repeatedly denounced these situations, in Mexico , Peru , Honduras , Guatemala .

Read Full Story from Fides News English http://www.fides.org/en/news/37463-AMERICA_Human_rights_and_extractive_industries_in_Latin_America_the_position_of_the_Church

This article by originally appeared on fides.org on March 17, 2015 at 02:00AM

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