Tuesday, March 17, 2015

A Stingray The Size Of A Car Was Caught In Thailand

Largest freshwater fish ever?!

American conservationist and host of Animal Planet, Jeffrey Corwin has captured what could be the largest freshwater fish, ever!

American conservationist and host of Animal Planet, Jeffrey Corwin has captured what could be the largest freshwater fish, ever!

Facebook: jeffcorwinconnect

To give you some perspective, that's bigger than a Mini Cooper, which is around 3.5 metres (12 ft) long and 1.5 metres (5 ft) wide!

To give you some perspective, that's bigger than a Mini Cooper, which is around 3.5 metres (12 ft) long and 1.5 metres (5 ft) wide!

You could literally drape the stingwray over the car as a cover.

Mark Bean / Via PR IMAGE

The stingray was caught for conservation research and was released without harm. An ultrasound also showed that she was pregnant.

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Yay, she's going to be a mum!

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