Friday, March 20, 2015

A Brazilian Woman Pulled This "Toothy" Face To Stop Men Harassing Her And Became A Huge Meme

Débora Adorno told women to harness the power of their teeth – and they did.

This is Débora Adorno, from Belo Horizonte in Brazil.

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She said she was walking through a particularly crowded street when "things got out of hand". The street was "crowded, jammed, and I had to slow down and hear all those things, receiving these awful pervert stares from those guys". She said she felt "powerless" and "trapped".

"There was nothing I could do because there was no way to stop them," she wrote, "I wasn't going to yell at all those men and I wasn't going to call them names out of fear of being assaulted, threatened, abused, a hundred different things... I simply couldn't."

Instead, she decided to respond with her "trademark"...

Behold: Débora's toothy face!

Behold: Débora's toothy face!

"So this guy was walking towards me with a grotesque stare, really preying on me, and before I could say anything I just did my toothy face. He felt awkward and walked right by," she wrote.

Débora claimed her toothy face completely changed the situation: "You have no idea! The harassment stopped in a heartbeat and NO OTHER GUY DISTURBED ME! At this point I felt rainbows inside, suddenly I wasn't the one feeling awkward anymore and I wasn't the one looking away anymore and I wasn't the fast-paced one anymore."

She ended her post with two tips:

One for the men: “Just STOP. Harassment is not a compliment, it's an aggression.”

And one for the ladies: “Embrace the toothy power!”

And here's the amazing thing...

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